Thursday, March 24, 2011

We Got an Appointment!

First, apropos of nothing, I've been doing some hourly, contract work for my old company several hours a week. It's been a little from home, a little at the office, and it's been nice to use my brain in a sciency way and get out of the house once in a while.

Now, on to the important stuff. I had emailed the doctor in Dallas again with a couple more questions and I asked him if he would see Claire. He answered my questions and said he would be happy to take a look at her.

I also emailed two people in his office. One was to find out the cost of a consultation since I know our insurance won't cover it. I heard back from that person who told me the cost is $75!! Yay! I was totally expecting it to be at least a couple hundred dollars. I had also emailed the scheduling person to find out what kind of wait time there is to get in but that person never wrote back.

So yesterday I called the office. I talked to a very sweet lady who confirmed that the appointment will be $75 (but that they recently changed it and it used to be $300!) but told me they had no openings until June! Ugh, my heart sank. I don't know if she heard the disappointment in my voice or knew that June was after the boundary for the best time to do surgery (before age 10 months) but she told me she was going to talk to the scheduler and the doctor and get back to me. She didn't say anything about trying to squeeze us in but today she called back and offered an appointment on Good Friday, April 22nd.

Hooray! Now we can get this show on the road and talk to him in less than a month! I've been checking out airfare and hotels so I can get that all arranged. In the mean time we are still waiting to hear back from the local surgeon. Does anyone else think it is ridiculous that I have sent stuff to the expert guy twice and heard back from him twice and now scheduled an appointment without hearing from our own doctor once?! Ridiculous. We are just going to proceed as though we will follow the local surgeon's recommendation and hope that it will trigger a requirement of a second opinion because we would also like to talk to one of the other local surgeons. It would be nice if we could talk to both of the local doctors before going to Dallas but at this point that looks unrealistic.

Thanks for checking in, I will update again whenever I know anything else.


  1. What a wonderful blessing that the Dallas Doctor will see you for $75! And so soon!

  2. Good news! As for your local doctor, are you sure he is not a little bit uncomfortable that you consult this "expert"? Sometimes, not all people have open mind, just guessing. I hope everything turned out to be what you wish. Good luck!

  3. I am so excited for you all! So happy they can squeeze you in and that it is only $75!

  4. yay! So excited for you guys!! Hopefully he will have only good news for you or at least shed more light on the situation! AND, for only $75!! Yay again!!
