It was interesting to look back and this blog and read some of my posts. One thing that struck me was the concern over how small her head was. It is strange to me because while her head was indeed measuring very small, I have never looked at her and thought it looked small on her body, then or now. Weird.
Another thing that stood out was that I wrote that the Dr. in Dallas told us that the ridge on her head would likely become less noticeable over time. I didn't remember that. But indeed, I swear I cannot even see it anymore. Just recently I was thinking 'huh, I don't even think I can see it'. So it seems that he was right about that, thankfully.
The last thing I noticed is that I said we felt that we'd maybe always second guess our choice or we'd attribute anything weird to the condition. I can honestly say that I have never second guessed and never attributed or suspected anything about her was related to craniosynostosis. In fact, I would say that we left it behind in Dallas that day and never looked back. I am so grateful that we found that kind of closure to the matter.
So for anyone here because you are in the same place we were almost five years ago (especially with metopic cranio), obviously I cannot tell you what to do. But I can tell you that I am so happy with our decision. Keep searching for answers. Keep talking to doctors until you feel comfortable, if needed. And if you need to go to Dallas like we did, do it. Dr. Fearon is arguably one of the best in the world for this. He has seen it all and I so valued our appointment with him and was so impressed with the time he gave us, both in quality and quantity. Understand your options and the pros/cons and go with your gut and don't worry about what others around you think. I know there were those who questioned our decision but they were not in our place.
Claire is a happy, healthy, smart, normal 5.5 year old. She started kindergarten quite young (having just turned 5) but is loving it and doing so well. I did a quick look through pictures and found one of her having her face painted this past summer and it was a great look at her forehead. So below is her forehead, 5 years later, and ridgeless in my opinion.
To any mom or dad out there scouring the internet like I was years ago, I know how you feel, I am so sorry for your worry and your sleepless nights, and good luck in making a decision that is best for you and your baby!
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ReplyDeleteThanks for this update! I came across a picture of you daughter when doing exactly what you said, BTW Dr. Google is a jerk. I can't believe how similar my daughter's head looks to yours in some of the early pics you posted, stork bite and all! Glad to know she is happy and healthy!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this! From another mom scouring the internet for information.
ReplyDeleteOMG, You can't believe how helpful your blog is, Thank you so much for the info.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story!! It really put me at ease. We are going through something very similar and I constantly second guess what to do. As parents we always want to do the right thing but the struggle is knowing what is right. We are opting out of surgery now and it is so reassuring hearing Claire's story that she is growing up to be a healthy, vibrant little girl! Blessings to you all!!
ReplyDeleteHello. Hows your LO? Did you have the surgery? Im worried cause I see a ridge on my babys forehead.
DeleteSo happy everything worked out for you. Your daughter looks great! We are currently in the position you were in 6 years ago and are in the researching doctors stage. We have an appt with Fearin. Can you tell me who you saw in Phoenix?
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how happy I am to find this. I first noticed my daughter's ridge at 5 months. Now she is 6 months and we have a neuro appt tomorrow. Her head is also small consistently in the 10th percentile. Her head from the top angle and her ridge look just like your little girls did. Surgery scares the crap out of me so I have been trying to find untreated metopic cases to see if it actually can fade over time. THANK YOU for your updates!
ReplyDeleteMetopic is so tricky! Good luck to you, whatever you decide. Feel free to email me at at gmail if you have any questions.
DeleteHi Claire, I am going through a very similar situation as you. Since you didn't opt for surgery, which we don't want surgery either, did the doctors suggest to you yearly check ins to watch her growth and development?
DeleteHello, At our appointment with Dr Fearon he told us we didn’t need to have any follow up unless we had specific concerns. He also shared with us that we could still do surgery later - we weren’t making a final decision. But ultimately we never went to any of the doctors for follow up and never looked back. :) Don't hesitate to email me at at gmail if you have any other questions.
DeleteThank you for sharing your beautiful daughter's story. We noticed our daughter's metopic ridge around 6 months. We then had an appointment with a top neurosurgeon in our area . He confirmed she did have a pronounced metopic ridge but recommended the wait and see approach. Although still noticeable to us, her head has continued to grow and we have seen improvement in her ridge. She is now 19 months. Thank you
ReplyDeleteWe are deep in this nightmare, trying to make a decision where no solution is perfect or even imaginable. So bolstering to read your journey and empathise with a mirror of our own. Fingers crossed we land in the same place of clairty as your family!
ReplyDeleteHello, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a metopic diagnosis! I still get emails with some regularity and always respond - feel free to email if you’d just like to talk or discuss. Obviously I can’t help you make your decision but I certainly understand the position you’re in. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI’ve had some recent requests for updates by email and I’m happy to report that at nine years old Claire has straight A’s and no behavioral issues whatsoever. She is our easy child! Growing and learning just as she should be!
My thoughts go out to you as you deal with this situation.
Great. This answers my questions. Thank you
DeleteThank you so much for continuing to update over the years.
DeleteHello. Please feel free to read my entire blog which tells the whole story about what doctors we consulted and how we decided not to have surgery for our daughter. There are a lot more posts that came before this one.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. My son's head look like your daughter's buy I am do scared. I am in Nigeria.
DeletePlease did Claire have any form of developmental delays at any point? For example, speech regression...
I know this is really late but does she have any developmental delay?
ReplyDeleteNo developmental delays. :) She is always on honor roll at school and usually gets all A’s. :)
ReplyDeleteHi I am very happy about your daughter.
ReplyDeleteShe is very cute.
We are having same condition with my grandson who is 4 months old.
We saw a neurosurgeon who thought that he might need surgery so he referred us to the craniofacial plastic clinic.
Our appointment will be on the 16th of this month.
I will go with my daughter and her husband.
Thanks for sharing with my best wishes
Hello, I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope you get the answers and guidance you need. I wish your grandson and family all the best!
DeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story with the world. This has helped me so much.